Affichage de 61 résultats

BHS0033 · Collectivité · 1845 -

Knox Presbyterian Church in Burlington, Ontario was established in 1845 as Knox Presbyterian Church, Wellington Square. It wasn't until 1873 that the name of the town was changed to Burlington. Land was donated for a new church by Andrew and Martha Gage, and a small log building was constructed in the summer of 1845. The church was governed by a united Session with Knox Presbyterian Church in Waterdown, until 1877. In that year, a new church building was constructed as well. In 1925, the congregation voted to remain with The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

Laurier Brantford
U237 · Collectivité · 1999 -

The Brantford campus of Wilfrid Laurier University opened in 1999. The campus is located in downtown Brantford, Ontario and awards Bachelors degrees in Business Technology Management, Contemporary Studies, Criminology, Education, English, Health Administration, Health Studies, History, Human Rights and Human Diversity, Journalism, Law and Society, Leadership, Psychology and Youth and Children's Studies.

Planning for the creation of a university in Brantford began in 1996, when the Brant Community Futures Development Corporation commissioned a business plan for the establishment of a university in Brantford. The city of Brantford had experienced economic decline in the wake of the collapse of the farm equipment industry. Community leaders, including members of the Grand Valley Educational Society, hoped that a university would contribute to urban renewal of the city’s downtown core. They also sought to provide local post-secondary educational opportunities for local students. In 1998, the City of Brantford, The Grand Valley Educational Society and Wilfrid Laurier University signed a “letter of intent” to form a campus of Laurier in Brantford.

The first building occupied by Laurier Brantford was the Carnegie Building on George Street, originally constructed as a library, and renovated as a university building. As it expanded the university has constructed new buildings, including the Student Centre built by the Student Union in 2005. Other university buildings, like Grand River Hall which opened in 2001, are examples of adaptive re-use, and have been renovated to meet the needs of the university.

Laurier Brantford is administered by a Vice-President/Principal who reports to the President of Wilfrid Laurier University. The faculty report to the Dean of Brantford, and govern through the Brantford Divisional Council. Library service is provided by Laurier librarians at the Brantford Public Library.

Brantford students are members of the Wilfrid Laurier University Students Union (WLUSU).

AGOAC00247 · Collectivité · 1985 -

The Master Print and Drawing Society of Ontario (MPDSO) is the first independent body of specialist collectors of prints and drawings in Canada. Founded in 1985 by Sidney Bregman and Katharine Lochnan, the Society first came into existence as the Master Print and Drawing Society, and operated as a non-profit educational association that provided special assistance to its members with problems unique to collecting. The Society is officially affiliated with the Art Gallery of Ontario, but is an independent organization belonging to its members, and through its Board of Directors determines its objectives, policies and activities, requirements for membership, selection of new members, and the composition of its executive. The executive consists of the President, Vice-President(s), Secretary/Treasurer, and Directors. The President has primary responsibility for determining the Society's activities, making arrangements for lectures, tours, and other special events. Since 1989, the MPDSO has been supported by the Fraser Elliot Foundation in fulfilling its mandate to represent the collective interests of its members in seeking out the expert advice of scholars, curators, and visiting lectures to contribute special assistance with collecting master prints and drawings from the 15th to the mid 20th century.

Mercer Union (gallery)
AGOAC00788 · Collectivité · 1979 -

Mercer Union was created by former members of A.C.T. in 1979 to operate as an artist-run, non-profit cooperative gallery. Twelve founders contributed financially to the rental of a ground floor space at 29 Mercer Street and planned to mix local, regional, national and international exhibits, collaborating with other artist-run programs. Its mandate was to exhibit new work in the most advanced forms of painting and sculpture that was not receiving exposure in the commercial and public galleries. Performance art, installations and music were incorporated into the programming, which has continued to represent innovative and sometimes controversial material. Twelve board members are elected by dues-paying members and serve on the various committees (programming, curatorial, etc), with the help of a small paid staff. The gallery moved to 333 Adelaide Street West, 5th floor in 1981 and 439 King Street West in 1994. Their present location is 37 Lisgar Street; current information about the gallery can be obtained at

Mond Nickel
011 · Collectivité · 1900 - 1929

The Mond Nickel Company Limited was a United Kingdom-based mining company, formed on September 20, 1900, licensed in Canada to carry on business in the province of Ontario, from October 16, 1900. The firm was founded by Ludwig Mond (1839-1909) to process Canadian ore from mines near Sudbury, which were then shipped to Mond's works in Britain for final purification.

The first of Mond's Canadian mining properties located in Denison Township, was purchased from Ricardo McConnell and associates in 1899. this site renamed the Victoria Mine began development in 1900. About the same time, Mond's refinery at Clydach, near Swansea, Wales, was being erected.

Around the same time, Mond purchased from McConnell, second mining location the Garson Mine which was developed later on, in Garson Township.

In 1911 the Mond company began construction of a new smelter at Coniston, Ontario. In that year, the company purchased the mining rights at Frood Extension about 8 miles from Coniston, though no serious development took place at this location until the 1920s. By 1928 INCO began development of its Frood Mine, when it was determined that it and Mond's Frood Extension were part of the same ore body, Alfred Mond negotiated an agreement pursuant to which in 1929 the interests of the Mond Nickel Company were merged into the International Nickel Company through the issue of the latter's stock in exchange for the outstanding stock of Mond.

Collectivité · B. 1798 - now

Het oudste museum van België
Het MSK werd officieel opgericht in 1798, wat ons ouder maakt dan België zelf. In 1802 openden de deuren voor het publiek en sinds 1904 is de collectie gehuisvest in een speciaal voor de gelegenheid gebouwd monument op de rand van het Citadelpark. Na 225 jaar verzamelen bewaart het museum bijna 20.000 stukken uit de Europese schilder- en beeldhouwkunst, van de middeleeuwen tot vandaag. Daaronder bevindt zich ook een uitgebreide collectie kunst op papier: tekeningen, grafische kunst, voorstudies... Via een vaste collectiepresentatie, wisselende tijdelijke tentoonstellingen en een uitgebreid publieksprogramma maken we de collectie toegankelijk en gebruiken we kunst om mensen met elkaar te verbinden.

N.E. Thing Company
AGOAC00042 · Collectivité · 1967 - 1978

The N.E. Thing Company was founded in 1967 by Ian and Elaine Baxter (nee Hieber), and formally incorporated in 1969, with Iain Baxter as President and Elaine as Vice President; the two later became co-presidents. Following the Baxters’ divorce, the company dissolved in 1978

O'Flynn Cash Grocery
031 · Collectivité · 1914

O'Flynn Cash Grocery opened in January of 1914 in Copper Cliff, Ontario. It is not known if the store had an actual physical location on Poplar Street, if it occupied a section of McKinnon's General Store, or if it was a catalogue store with a mailing address of Poplar Street. The ordering procedures mentioned in the store's price list, however, suggest that it was a catalogue store.

Miss Rose O'Flynn was the proprietor of the 'cash only' store, which was a novelty in Copper Cliff due to the exclusive use of credit in that area. The experimental store had a short life, closing sometime before the start of 1915, though the exact date is unknown.

Rose O'Flynn was born Mary Rosetta Flynn (sometimes written as O'Flynn) on April 5, 1890 in Ensley Township, Newaygo, Michigan to James Joseph Flynn and Mary Ellen Flynn (née Mary Ellen Wolfe). Her parents were born and married in Ontario, but immigrated to the United States of America in 1881 or 1882. Rose O'Flynn lived with her family in Michigan until 1907, at which time she went to live in Copper Cliff with her mother's sister, Hester McKinnon (née Hester Ann Wolfe) and her family. Hester McKinnon was married to John Romantions McKinnon who owned and operated a department store, J.R. McKinnon & Sons. Rose O'Flynn worked as a saleslady there and lived with the McKinnon's until her marriage to Gregory Lee on June 8, 1915. Her wedding day was a simple affair, with the only guests being close friends and relatives of the bride and groom. Rose O'Flynn's cousin, Richard McKinnon, walked her down the aisle. After a honeymoon in Cornwall, Ontario; Boston, Massachusetts, and New York, New York the couple returned home to Copper Cliff.

Rose O'Flynn Lee was a homemaker and took care of the couple's four children, three girls and a boy. She was also deeply involved with her church, St. Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church, and was a member of the Catholic Women's League and the Altar Society. Rose O'Flynn Lee died June 3, 1950 at the age of 60 in her home in Copper Cliff.

Ontario Toxic Waste Research Coalition.
AC00328 · Collectivité

OTWRC is a group of citizens' and agricultural groups who succeeded in cancelling the Ontario Waste Management Corporation's plans to build a hazardous waste plant in West Lincoln in the Niagara Peninsula. The group now comments on hazardous waste issues in Ontario and pushes for waste elimination.