Beaver Valley Heritage Society

Área de identificación

Tipo de entidad

Entidade coletiva

Forma autorizada del nombre

Beaver Valley Heritage Society

Forma(s) paralela(s) de nombre

    Forma(s) normalizada del nombre, de acuerdo a otras reglas

      Otra(s) forma(s) de nombre

      • Beaver Valley Concerned Citizens' Group

      Identificadores para instituciones

      Área de descripción

      Fechas de existencia

      197? -


      The Beaver Valley Heritage Society began in the mid 1970s as a group of concerned citizens, and was incorporated in 1981 as a non-profit citizen's organization created to preserve and protect the natural environment of the Beaver Valley in Ontario. The Beaver Valley's territory runs through the four townships of Artemesia, Collingwood, Euphrasia and St. Vincent. It stretches over 25 miles, from Flesherton to Georgian Bay at Thornbury. The Beaver Valley Heritage Society endeavors to represent the interests of the Valley's residents and anyone who wishes to support the Society's objectives of opposing inappropriate development in the Valley. The Society supports development, provided it occurs in approved areas, and does not impact on wildlife, fishing, and the natural environment. The role of the Society is to present the views of its members in a coherent, concise and organized way to the decision-making bodies that have jurisdiction over the Beaver Valley.


      Estatuto jurídico

      Funciones, ocupaciones y actividades

      Mandatos/fuentes de autoridad

      Estructura/genealogía interna

      Contexto general

      Área de relaciones

      Área de puntos de acceso

      Puntos de acceso por materia

      Puntos de acceso por lugar


      Área de control

      Identificador de registro de autoridad


      Identificador de la institución


      Reglas y/o convenciones usadas

      Estado de elaboración

      Nivel de detalle

      Fechas de creación, revisión o eliminación




          Notas de mantención