Stuk 1 - O'Flynn Cash Grocery Price List

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referentie code

ON00120 031-1


O'Flynn Cash Grocery Price List


  • February, 1914 (Vervaardig)



Omvang en medium

0.003 m of textual records (12 p.)


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Bereik en inhoud

Item is an annotated price list printed for O'Flynn Cash Grocery by Sudbury Star Print. Inside the volume are price lists for household items and foodstuffs. Household items include brooms, soaps and powders, polishes and starches. Foodstuffs include dried and canned fruits and vegetables, meat, eggs, cereals, jams and jellies, fish, nuts, rice, pickles and soup. O'Flynn Cash Grocery also carried baking goods, such as flour, spices, syrups, salt, yeast, sugars, lard and butter. Items such as coffee, tea, chocolate and candy could also be purchased. Written on the inside front cover is a short note from the O'Flynn Cash Grocery expounding on the benefits of paying cash for groceries versus paying with credit. The store appeals to the "old-fashioned people" in the area to buy their fresh goods with cash and save money. On the back cover of the booklet are instructions on how to order from the store. According to the price list, no shipment was too great or too small, orders just had to be plainly written on only one side of a sheet of paper and cash had to be sent with the order. The front and inside covers are designed with a swastika in each corner, a symbol used for good luck in many cultures and religions.

Waardering, vernietiging en slectie



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