Fondos - Tim Zuck fonds

Área de título y declaración de responsabilidad

Título apropiado

Tim Zuck fonds

Tipo general de material

    Título paralelo

    Otra información de título

    Título declaración de responsabilidad

    Título notas

    Nivel de descripción


    Institución archivística

    Código de referencia

    Área de edición

    Declaración de edición

    Declaración de responsabilidad de edición

    Área de detalles específicos de la clase de material

    Mención de la escala (cartográfica)

    Mención de proyección (cartográfica)

    Mención de coordenadas (cartográfica)

    Mención de la escala (arquitectónica)

    Jurisdicción de emisión y denominación (filatélico)

    Área de fechas de creación


    • 1966-2000 (Criação)

    Área de descripción física

    Descripción física

    1.5 m of textual records and graphic material 4 audio cassette tapes 4 film reels 3 audio reels 2 open reel videos

    Área de series editoriales

    Título apropiado de las series del editor

    Títulos paralelos de serie editorial

    Otra información de título de las series editoriales

    Declaración de responsabilidad relativa a las series editoriales

    Numeración dentro de la serie editorial

    Nota en las series editoriales

    Área de descripción del archivo

    Nombre del productor

    (1947 -)

    Historia biográfica

    Timothy Melvin Zuck, Canadian artist and educator, was born in 1947 in Erie, Pennsylvania. He attended Wilmington College from 1966-1967 and 1968-1969. There he majored in philosophy and psychology and took a few courses in art history and sculpture. In 1967-1968, Zuck joined his parents on a year-long mission to India, where he studied at Madras Christian College. Zuck received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD) in 1971. While at NSCAD, he did performance, film, photographic and other process-oriented and conceptual projects. In Halifax Zuck met and married Robyn Randell. He then earned his Master of Fine Arts from the California Institute of the Arts in Valencia, California in 1972. After completing his graduate studies, Zuck returned to NSCAD in late 1972, where he was Assistant Professor until 1979. While teaching at NSCAD, he continued to work on his conceptual projects. In 1975, Zuck began to focus on painting, in which he had no formal training. In 1979, he resigned from NSCAD and began to paint full-time in Purcell’s Cove, near Halifax, Nova Scotia. Zuck became a Canadian citizen in 1983. The Zucks moved from Purcell’s Cove to Kingston, Ontario, where they lived from 1982-1984 and then lived for three years in downtown Toronto, where their daughter, Anna, was born in 1985. They then moved to Midland, Ontario. In addition to taking part in many artist expeditions, Zuck won a poster competition for the XV Olympic Winter Games in 1988 in Calgary, Alberta. He moved to Calgary in 2002 to teach at the Alberta College of Art and Design. Tim Zuck is represented by the Sable-Castelli Gallery in Toronto, Ontario and the Paul Kuhn Gallery in Calgary, Alberta. His work has been included in numerous group and solo exhibitions in Canada, the United States and Europe, and may be found in the collections of numerous Canadian galleries and museums.

    Historial de custodia

    Alcance y contenido

    The fonds consists of personal and professional correspondence, exhibition and projects files, exhibition catalogues, newspaper articles and reviews of Tim Zuck’s work, multimedia records including art related photographs, films, audio cassette tapes, conceptual art projects, exhibition notices, financial records, and publications. Fonds consists of the following series: Correspondence files Publicity material Exhibition and projects files Financial records Art college projects Art ephemera (other artists) Publications

    Área de notas

    Condiciones físicas

    Origen del ingreso

    Fonds was acquired from creator in 2001 and 2002.


    Idioma del material

      Escritura del material

        Ubicación de los originales

        Disponibilidad de otros formatos

        Restricciones de acceso

        Audio and video reels are restricted pending transfer to an accessible format.

        Condiciones de uso, reproducción, y publicación

        Copyright of material in this fonds is held by the creator. Copyright belonging to other parties, such as that of photographs, may still rest with the creator of these items. It is the researcher’s responsibility to obtain permission for the reproduction of any part of the fonds.

        Instrumentos de descripción

        A detailed finding aid is available.

        Materiales asociados

        Materiales relacionados


        Further accruals are expected.

        Identificador/es alternativo(os)

        Número estándar

        Número estándar

        Puntos de acceso

        Puntos de acceso por materia

        Puntos de acceso por lugar

        Puntos de acceso por autoridad

        Tipo de puntos de acceso

        Área de control

        Identificador de registro de descripción

        Identificador de la institución

        Reglas o convenciones

        Estado de elaboración

        Nivel de detalle

        Fechas de creación, revisión o eliminación

        Idioma de descripción

          Escritura de la descripción


            Área de Ingreso